Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Reserve tank.

Seen here is our 500 gallon in-house water tank.  Our well pump, will pump to up to  this tank and then we'll pressure the entire water system in the house from the tank. We're doing this for two reasons: 1st, in case something happens to the well pump and 2nd, if we decide that we want to capture water from the roof, we then can plumb it here.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

314 feet. Water my dear, water.

I just returned from a very wet and muddy week working on the ZAEPB site.  Ill be posting a number of new photos and updates over the next couple of days.  Earlier in the week, we saw 3 days of dry weather, during which I took advantage by trenching from the well head to the house, as we needed to run the piping and electrical for the pump. As seen below.