Friday, 22 August 2014

Tree Mayhem: Part 3

A few more pictures of the tree felling mayhem and the post carnage clean up.  Which I am STILL working on.....

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Tree Mayhem Part Two.

With the "Bat Light" Shinning brightly into the city sky, summoning our Super Hero......Ok, I used my cell phone!   I  contact a local legend name Ian Shaw.  Ian has been working as a Arborist here in BC for Thirty Years.  He has the Gear, the Knowledge, and the Balls to climb and fell the biggest and baddest the Pacific Northwest can produce!   I took a couple weeks to get on Ian's Schedule, but he arrived, and started climbing.

And Yes, if you listened to the video with the sound on, you will hear me have a heart stopping moment when the tree top just "brushes" The carport and rain gutters. :-0

Overdue Update: Tree Mayhem!

If there is anyone out there that still looks to this blog for updates, I apologize.  I have been working on the the Zombie Apocalypse Escape Plan B. However, I just haven't been very diligent in taking photos and posting. So.... SORRY!  Now.... let us look at the fun I've been having. :-) The main project is to install over 200 feet of "French" Drain on the up hill side of the building and driveway.  However, like so many projects, the steps involved are a little complex... especially building in a full forest, on an island, in BC.  TO make this story flow, let us jump to the part where I needed to fell a bunch of trees in order to dig the drain.   for a few weeks I had made progress on my own, and with a little help from a friend for safety sake.
 Then it becomes very apparent that I have 5 HUGE Arbutus (Madrone) Trees that I am unable to fell in a normal "Cut at the Base" method. After a week, I was able to get my buddies who have a Forestry skidder. Which we were able to remove one of the offending trees.  But the last four are WAYYY to big and leaning towards the building.  It was time to call in the professionals.