Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Kindling Storage.   One Item I wanted to build into the Wood shed was a separate storage for Kindling.  As seen here, I built a box, accessible from the back of the shed.  This location was so you could have easy access anytime, while allowing a completely full shed.

You fill the box, and as you use material, you remove the "slats to access the lower kindling as winter progresses.

When I head back up next week, I'll update with the completed project, including the metal roof!

A Wood Shed in the nick of time!

I looked at the calender a few weeks ago and freaked out. September was here, and I had no where to store the winter's wood. It was time to build "Out-Building #3" Project Shed-it!

As you've seen in the previous post, We laid out and poured footings for the building.  Here, we've build up the grade, built a "yard tie" border, and back filled the floor with "Road Crush" gravel.  I had decided that a raised floor shed might be a little over the top and would increase the expense of the project, so we went with gravel.  I think it should be fine.  we will see.

4x6 nominal, pressure treated posts. 2x12' sandwiched beams. 2x6 rafters.

Squarded up bulding, beginning the OSB sub roofing.

I had Help.  Virg and my neighbor Super-T.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

New Beginnings

Foundation for new beginnings.

Shhhhhh! Top Secret!

Shhhh!  the new Area 52 or is it 53? I forget.  Don't tell anyone, and don't post it on the internet..Oh yeah... oops.    Anyways, here are the exclusive inside photos of the new Top Secret staging area.  What could be going on in there?  Stay tuned for exclusive details to be released in days!

Poof, Gone.

A few dusty days of distributing dirt. and Poof, Drain - Gone.

Phil's FIll!

Uncle Phil stopped by with a couple loads of Phil's Fine Fill, to Finally Finish the Fantastic Futuristic Flowing Forrow.

Oh, yeah,  I don't really have an Uncle Phil. 


That's how Dinosaurs say "I love you". 

OK, maybe I've been spending too much time in the woods!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Drain Construction.

Go Pound Sand.

The next stage in the fun currently known as drain building is to line the trench, install the perforated piping and cover it with a aggregate that allow the water through.  SO.... Here is my $600.00 pile of Coarse, twice washed sand.

Rock On!

During the digging stage, at the end of each of the 100' trenches, I hit rock. the problem. the rock ridges impede the downhill grade needed for proper drainage.  SO..... what does one do on an Island... Ask your buddies.  The First and MOST popular idea was to BLOW IT UP!   WOO HOO!  I'm alway excited when Dynamite can be use to solve problems!  but alas, cooler heads prevailed and I was loaned a jack hammer. BORING>>>>>> but effective. After two days of chipping away at the hardened earth, we had a nice grade chipped in.