Monday, 21 January 2013
And Now.... Bitch'n-Kitchen

My Bitch'n Fan!
Insulation Installation Hell!
Safety concerns!
The previous picture of the fire place, was simply an example of what not to do. according to Strict Canadian requirements for fireplaces, the previous picture breaks a number of very serious rules. :-) Here is preparation of the sub-floor to accept tile. You will also note the four inch hole in the floor. That is ducting that feeds the fireplace outside air. In the next couple of posts you will see why it is needed.
Hot Water!

Trying to utilize the 10 foot garage ceilings. I decided to build a platform to house the pressure regulator tank above the Hot-water heater.

Here, is the utility bathroom on the garage level. I have to tell ya, after a number of weeks of having to use a bucket for.... well, you know. having a flushing toilet is a truly remarkable advancement in technology!
Shower Time!
Once again, it is the small luxuries that really make you smile some days. And having a Hot shower is one of those prized moments in life not to every betaken for granted. With that said, this is not my ultimate, dream home shower. But, we have chosen a few little things to make it high on the useability list. One (of my many pet-peeves) are shower heads that are too low. What good is a shower if it squirts you in the chest and you have to do yoga to rinse the soap out of your hair? Sucks I tell ya. well... not here. We located the shower head 7 feet up! Ha! couple that with high water pressure, we have a shower that can drown you if your not careful :-)

Now, we need to remove the hot steamy air.... ok, ok. insert snickers and jokes. We installed the "Super-Slient-Sucker-seven-thousand"
18 Days ago.
Greetings everyone, Sorry for the extended delay in a new post. I have been up, on island the past 18 days. I'll post a number of updates. Upon my arrival, my neighbors "Team Hunter" had surprised me with the construction of our entry way stairs. I will add the railings after we have moved in appliances and finished flooring and drywall.

While I had been back at the boat in Olympia during the Holidays, The island received a lot more rain, as such our drive on to property became even more saturated. Over a few days of driving on the mud, I had decided that we needed to do some emergency drainage. Seen here is a ditch I dug (Using BigYellow) Under the drive we ran 4" pipe to drain away the collect water. I had to bring in 6 truck loads of Shale to build up the drive. you'll see in the picture the rough rock in the dirt. It will compact and break down as we drive on it, and will create an excellent base for the driveway in the spring.

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