Once again, it is the small luxuries that really make you smile some days. And having a Hot shower is one of those prized moments in life not to every betaken for granted. With that said, this is not my ultimate, dream home shower. But, we have chosen a few little things to make it high on the useability list. One (of my many pet-peeves) are shower heads that are too low. What good is a shower if it squirts you in the chest and you have to do yoga to rinse the soap out of your hair? Sucks I tell ya. well... not here. We located the shower head 7 feet up! Ha! couple that with high water pressure, we have a shower that can drown you if your not careful :-)

Now, we need to remove the hot steamy air.... ok, ok. insert snickers and jokes. We installed the "Super-Slient-Sucker-seven-thousand"
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